Tuesday 12 May 2015

Lottery Curse Horror Stories - Can Winning the Jackpot Ruin Your Life?

The media loves stories of shocking because they sell. Rarely are people alive to report won the lottery and happily ever after. But the report on people who win the lottery and then proceed to ruin their lives. They call it the curse of the lottery, and horror stories seem to share the goal of the prize to be won.

Here are some examples of lottery horror stories, which can be found in the media:

William Bud Post: Earn more than $ 16 million in 1988 and ended in bankruptcy and living on disability checks. Rick CAMAT:. Gagne $ 87 million in 2000 and was killed by police after he allegedly fired a shot at a football match Ibi Roncaioli won $ 5 million in 1991 and missed by her husband poisoned the family fortune game

These types of stories in the spread of the media. But winning the lottery really make you do bad things? Winning the lottery is really a curse? Can you win the jackpot of ruining your life? The answer, despite what the media might lead us to think not.

If the lottery is a curse, which would mean it's a winner to be sad. However, people tend to win the lottery to be happier. Camelot, which runs the UK National Lottery has made a major study of lottery winners. Here are some interesting facts from the study:

55% of lottery winners were interviewed said they were happier since winning the lottery. 43% said they were happy to win the lottery before, and so happy after winning the lottery. Only 2% said they were less happy after victory jackpot

What do all these statistics? This means that you are always one step ahead and the dream of winning big, it will not ruin your life.

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